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Savo 575S Build - Winter 2021

After first coat of paint.

Ready to be turned over and painted.

Frames and stiffeners installed and notched/faired into inwales.

Transom cap and gunwale detail.

Transom cap detail.

Breasthook detail III.

Breasthook Detail II.

Small breasthook Detail.

Second to last interior gloss coat (hopefully!).

Gunwales rounded over at transom.

Gunwales tuned, sanded, and epoxy coated.

Tuning the gunwale bevel at the bow.

After the initial clean-up of interior.

Glueing on Inwales.

Glueing on inwales.

Glueing on inwales.

It looks like a boat, but it is far from finished!

Time to start cleaning up the interior.

Big moment - removing the hull from the jig.

Strips of mahogany add an accent to the spruce frames and stiffeners.

Laminating the oars.

Laminating the oars.

Frames and stiffeners cleaned up and coated in epoxy.

Laminating the frames and stiffeners.

Attaching gunwale. One can never have too many clamps!
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